Best Free Keyword Research Tools for SEO

Although there are a few free keyword research tools, most of them offer limited features. So these tools are helpful for keyword idea generation. However, these free tools cannot provide much help in keyword research. But if you spend your time and try different tools together, you can do great keyword research. These best free keyword research tools for SEO are described here.

    So, what is Keyword Research?

    Keyword research is the process of finding the words and phrases that are searched by people in search engines. For a specific website or product, we have to find the best-related words for that website or product in this research. There are many free and paid tools to do the keyword research. These tools help us in finding the best keywords. But most of the time, these tools give conflicting results. So, we have to use our intuition also to find the best words or phrases for a particular website, product, or service. Another thing to know about keyword research is that there are two types of keywords:

    • Short-tail keyword: Short-tail keyword has one or two words in it. For example, ‘keyword’, ‘keyword research’, etc.
    • Long-tail keyword: Long-tail keyword has more than two words in it. For example, ‘keyword research tools’, ‘best keyword research tools’, etc.

    Best Free Keyword Research Tools for SEO

    In this article, I have used the most widely used free keyword research tools for SEO. These are:

    • Soovle
    • Keyword Generator from ahrefs
    • AnswerthePublic
    • QuestionDB
    • Google Keyword Planner
    • Google Trends
    • Google Search

    Soovle Tool (Free)

    Website: keyword research tool


    This tool provides an idea about our chosen keyword. For example, if we search ‘keyword research’ on, it will show what people are searching using Google, Wikipedia, Answers, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo, and keyword research tool

    Figure: Results for ‘keyword research’ in soovle

    Here, we can see that there are no relevant keywords from Wikipedia,, and Yahoo for our words ‘keyword research’. People are only using Google, Answers, YouTube, and Bing to search ‘keyword research’ and its related keywords.

    So, can help us by providing related keywords that are searched in different search engines.

    Free Keyword Generator of Ahrefs (Partially Free)


    Partially free keyword generator of ahrefs

    Figure: Keyword generator in

    In the keyword generator option of, we can search keywords in different countries and for Google, Bing, YouTube and Amazon. If we search ‘keyword research’ in United States and in Google, we will be shown the following screen. From this screen, we can see that there are 3,569 related keywords. But only 20 keywords are shown to us. To see the complete list, we have to subscribe. So, it is not completely free!

    Figure: 20 keyword suggestions from

    Answerthepublic (Partially Free)


    This website also allows us to find related keywords, especially long-tail keywords. For example, if we search ‘keyword research’ on website, it will show related keywords in different formats:

    • Questions starting with are, can, how, what, when, which, who, why, etc.
    • Using prepositions, for example, can, for, is, to, without, etc.
    • Comparisons
    • Others
    answerthepublic keyword research tool


    It shows the search volume with CPC (Cost Per Click) information. shows search volume with CPC in different formats

    Figure: shows search volume with CPC in different formats

    Keywords, search volume and CPC in table format

    Figure: Keywords, search volume and CPC in table format

    QuestionDB (Free: 5 searches/month)


    QuestionDB offers full keyword research but with 5 searches/month for free. If you need more search, we have to subscribe. It shows volume, CPC, difficulty, trend, and also competition level. keyword research

    Figure: keyword research

    Google Keyword Planner Tool (Completely Free)


    To use Google’s keyword planner, go to the above URL and sign in with your Gmail address. Then go to Tools -> Keyword Planner -> Discover new keywords.

    Keyword planner of Google - The best free keyword research tool for SEO

    Figure: Keyword planner of Google

    Now, let’s search our ‘keyword research’.

    Searching ‘keyword research’ in Google’s keyword planner - The best free keyword research tool for SEO

    Figure: Searching ‘keyword research’ in Google’s keyword planner

    Google will provide you with the actual data of search volume and others. It showed around 1,800 keywords.

     Google keyword planner - Best free keyword research tool for SEO

    Figure: Actual data about search volume, competition of the keywords

    Although it is completely free, it provides the most accurate data for your keyword research. But remember that the ‘Competition’ shown here is not the competition for the keyword. It is the competition to show ads for this keyword. It does not show the competition of organic search.

    Google Trends (Completely Free)


    Google Trends is another service from Google that is completely free. We can use this tool to get an idea of the demand for the keywords that we use. When we use this tool, we have to search ‘Term’ for the keyword.

    Google Trends - Best free keyword research tool for SEO

    Figure: Google Trends

    Google Trends can show the demand for the keyword over different timelines.

    Google Trends timeline - Best free keyword research tool for SEO

    Figure: Google Trends showing the demand for ‘keyword research’ over 1 year

    It also shows interest by region in USA.

    Figure: Interest by region

    It also shows related queries, for example:

    Figure: Related queries in Google Trends

    Google Search (Completely Free) for Keyword Research


    Last of all, we can use only Google. It is completely free. All we need to do is type a few words in the search box and it will automatically suggest other related words that are searched by people.

    Google search -  - The best free keyword research tool for SEO

    Figure: Keyword research using Google

    What keyword research tools should I use for Free?

    In my opinion, you can use the tools provided by Google. Because we are doing SEO mainly for Google. And Google provides the actual data of the keywords which are used by the people. So, in this case, we can combine Google keyword planner, Google Trends, and just Google. But you have to spend your time and search with different combinations, change locations, and use your intuition to do better keyword research for SEO.

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